Poker Concepts

how to apply odds

how to apply odds



How to apply odds

Probability and Odds

how to apply odds

Applying odds at the poker table is essential to making good poker decisions. Some experienced players can do this simply by their excellent feel and judgment for the game, but most of us need to rely on mathematics to help guide us with close decisions. Players who understand how to apply odds in a poker game will have a significant advantage over most of their opponents.

Let's look at an example to demonstrate how to apply odds to make good poker decisions. You are playing in a $1-$2 game and are seated on the button. You hold K T and the board shows 9 2 ♣  4 A . An opponent bets $2 for a total pot of $10. To simplify the example, we assume your opponent is betting a pair of aces but will fold if another heart comes on the river. Should you call to try and improve to a flush?

We will show later that the odds against improving to a flush are 4 to 1. In other words, you will improve to a flush once every five tries. If you played this hand five times, you should expect to lose $2 four times and win $10; once for a total profit of $2; therefore, calling has a positive expectation. What if the pot is only $7? In this case, you would expect to lose $2.00 four times and win $7 once for a loss of $1, so you should fold.

To better understand this process, we begin the chapter with some definitions and then discuss how to calculate various odds and probabilities for the most typical situations in Hold'em. The actual calculation however is not as important as how you apply odds to make better decisions, so we will discuss this process in detail.
